Artists invited to interpret recorded moʻolelo for public art projects

Hawai’i Public Radio - March 4, 2025:

Hawaiʻi artists interested in collaborating with their communities on public art are invited to send a proposal for the Maui Public Art Corps' Hui Moʻolelo, or gathering of stories, program.

Selected projects will interpret a storytelling recording from the Hui Moʻolelo collection as a visual, performance, or experiential public art, and will be matched with venues, resources and support.

Projects fall into one of five categories: pop-up performances, murals, utility box projects, recycling bin beautification, and open call.

Applicants can choose from three Hui Mo‘olelo collections:

  • Hui Mo‘olelo: Lāhainā, a program partnership with Lāhainā Restoration Foundation

  • Hui Mo‘olelo: Lei Pua ʻAla, a program partnership with the Lei Pua ʻAla Queer Histories of Hawaiʻi project of the Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities and Qwaves/Kanaka Pakipika

  • Hui Mo‘olelo, the original Maui County program partnership

The commissioned projects will include engagement and input from the community. Applications close at 7:59 p.m. on March 31. Click here for more details.


Call for Artist Proposals: Hui Mo‘olelo: Lei Pua ʻAla


Call for artist proposals for Hui Mo‘olelo Lei Pua ʻAla